понедельник, 27 июня 2016 г.

Al-Jami al-kabiyr (Major Collection of Khadith)

Al-Jami al-kabiyr (Major Collection of Khadith)
"Al-Jami al-Kabiyr»("Major Collection of Khadith") is of great value. According to Arab his­torian of the XV century Ibn Khajar al-Askalaniy imam at-Termizi finished this work in 270 in Khijri / 884, i.e. when he was about sixty years old. At that time he was very experienced in doing research and had the degree of imam, prominent scholar of his time (2).
The manuscript of this work is kept in many manuscript funds (archives) of the world. There are some manuscripts of "al-Jami al-kabiyr»at the Research Institute of oriental studies after Abu Raikhan Beruni in Tashkent. As a valuable source it was reprinted many times in Cairo, Beirut,
Damascus and other cities. As it is a common knowledge the IXth is considered to be a golden age for studying khadith as specialists of Khadith imam al-Bukhari and imam Moslim's fruitful work comes to the century. Their work had a great impact on the development of sciences related to Khadith. Following their methods, imam at-Termizi divided the khadith into sahiyh (truthful) and zaif (weak, insufficient) and etc. This work by at-Termizi con­tains much information of judicial and theological character and that is why this work by the author is often called "Sunan at-Termizi". There are many khadithes related to morality, higher human quality of prophet Muhammad, which can't be found in other works of khadith experts in the collection. Structurally "al-Jami al-kabiyr»is divided into nu­merous chapters: among them religious washing (taharat), pray (salyat), zakat, fasting, pilgrimage, funeral, marriage ceremony (nikah), commerce and so on can be mentioned. This work by at-Termizi, as well as other works besides khadith, contains a number of the humanity (especially philology, histo­ry and so on) and that is why most of the re­searchers consider at-Termizi to be not only a promi­nent khadith expert, but also to be a philologist who contributed much to the development of liter-
ary Arabic, By the way, all his works had been written in Arabic. There are many facts about his­torical events of that period, important information about scholars, khadith specialists and theologians who lived and created at that period in it. Imam at-Termizi was one of the first scholars, who used to interpret khadith in his work. This important work by at-Termizi had been translated into many lan­guages of the world. The first volume of this book was translated into Uzbek under the title "Sunan»and published in Tashkent.
Ash-Shamail an-nabaviyya (Moral Qualities of the Prophet)
Another valuable work by at-Termizi is "ash Shamail an-nabaviyya»was fully devoted to prophet's biography. This work constantly attracts scholars and researchers attention being an impor­tant and genuine source about prophet Muhammad. Quite a number of commentaries in various lan­guages had been written to it. There is a manuscript of "ash-Shamail an-nabaviyya, belonging to the XVI c., in the Religious Board of Uzbekistan Moslinis. It was published in 1980 by the order of the above-mentioned Religious Board with a short Preface written by the late mufti Ziyauddin ibn Ishan Babakhan. (3) This work by imam at-Termizi, con­taining 408 khadith, can be said to be a detailed bi­ography of prophet Muhammad.
The second part of the khadith describes the in­ner world of the prophet, his moral and human qualities.
Some parts of these khadith, but without any systematisation, can also be found in the works of other authors. Imam at-Termizi's peculiar service in­cluded his thorough selection and bringing together all the khadith on this topic in one book which un­doubtedly makes his work very valuable in compari­son with similar works by the other authors.
At-Termizi's works are of great educational and moral value from the one hand as they call upon kindness, generosity, mercifulness, justice, honesty, mutual understanding, respect women and parents, and sharply condemns cheating, lie, hypocrisy, arro­gance, hostility, treachery, violence and other nega­tive phenomena. That is why a great interest was paid to this scholar's personality and activity. Up to now the works by at-Termizi had been the main edu­cational aid and a manual for many scholars, as well as for religious, public and state figures of the Moslirn countries.
Some festivities took place in September 1990 in Uzbekistan to celebrate 1200th anniversary of at-Termizi's birthday. In his address to the participants of the international scientific conference on "Spiritual Heritage at-Termizi and the present»LA. Karimov stressed that the spiritual heritage of imarn at-Termizi "had been evaluated not only by theolo­gians, but also by the representatives of the secular sciences and the broad community... And the centu­ry tested ideas of the thinker, advocating the high morality, the clearness of souls, justice, love for people, will become important in solving complicat­ed moral and esthetical problems of our turbulent century."
At-Termizi died where he was born, that is in his native Bug, where he was buried. His burial place in the southeast of Sherabad is considered to be sa­cred and the place of Moslim pilgrimage.

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